Cockpit 0.81 Released
Cockpit releases every week. This week it was 0.81
NTP servers
Cockpit now allows configuration of which NTP servers are used for time syncing. This configuration is possible when timesyncd is being used as the NTP service.
Network switch regression
There was a regression in Cockpit 0.78 where certain on/off switches in the networking configuration stopped working. This has now been fixed.
Delete Openshift routes and deployment configs
In the Kubernetes cluster dashboard, it’s now possible to delete Openshift style routes and deployment configs.
From the future
I’ve refactored the Cockpit Kubernetes container terminal widget for use by other projects. It’s been integrated into the Openshift Web Console for starters. This widget will be used by Cockpit soon.
Try it out
Cockpit 0.81 is available now: