Since launching on April 15th, RDO has garnered a lot of attention - both in press and in blogs and podcasts. Here’s a review of what’s been happening in the RDO world.

Podcast: RDO at the OpenStack Summit

In Portland during the OpenStack Summit Dave Neary sat down with Richard Morrell of Red hat to record a podcast, covering questions like “what is RDO?”, “who is it for?” “why are Red Hat releasing a community distribution of OpenStack?”

Hear the answers to these questions and more at the Cloud Evangelist website

OpenStack Summit review

Jason Brooks from the RDO team wrote up his experiences from the OpenStack Summit and the RDO launch.

What impressed me more than the growth of the project, however, was the way that OpenStack embodies one of things I love most about open source, namely, its knack for helping people to peel back or eliminate barriers to innovation. The more freedom we afford ourselves to experiment with and improve the systems we care about, the more amazing results we can achieve.

Read more over at the Red Hat community blog.

We got a lot of attention during the launch. Here is a selection of some of the things which were written about us.

[PackStack] is interesting. OpenStack is a complex suite of tools, and the installation process is non-trivial. Any work to streamline that will reduce at least one barrier to success.

It’s happening again. Red Hat, which for years has dominated both the development and monetization of Linux, has turned its code contributing hand to OpenStack, the popular open-source cloud computing project. While Red Hat initially fought OpenStack, today it has become OpenStack’s biggest contributor.

News from around the world

OpenStack has a worldwide community, and the RDO release got worldwide attention. Here are some articles in various languages from around the world.

Let us know in the comments if you spot other articles about RDO!