With Icehouse milestone 2 out today, we’re planning an RDO test day in two weeks - February 4-5 - once we’ve had a chance to get the packages ready and some baseline testing done on them. Details for this test day will be available at http://rdoproject.org/RDO_test_day_Icehouse_milestone_2 where you can also sign up to indicate that you’ll be participating, and in what capacity.

Watch that page, and the rdo-list mailing list - http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list - for more details as the date approaches.

You can see what we accomplished on the most recent test day, at http://rdoproject.org/TestedSetups_2014_01 , when about 50 people participated, and opened 48 tickets. (Thanks to everyone who participated for helping make RDO and OpenStack that much better.)