Each week, I’m going to be posting a summary of blog posts from the RDO community from the previous week. If you’d like something you’ve written to be part of this, please let me know so that I can add you to my list.

Four ways to connect a docker container to a local network, by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

This article discusses four ways to make a Docker container appear on a local network. These are not suggested as practical solutions, but are meant to illustrate some of the underlying network technology available in Linux.

… More at tm3.org/blog1

Getting Service Users out of LDAP, by Adam Young

Most people cannot write to the LDAP servers except to manage their own data. Thus, OpenStack requiring the Service users in LDAP is a burden that many IT organizations cannot assume. In Juno we have support for Multiple backends for domains.

… More at tm3.org/blog2

Aussie User Group Holds First-Ever Docs Swarm, via the OpenStack Superuser blog

The Australia OpenStack User Group, based in Brisbane, held OpenStack’s first mini-sprint to compile a standalone OpenStack Networking Guide.

… More at tm3.org/blog3

lvcache: a tool for managing LVM caches, by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

I have put together a small tool called lvcache that simplies the process of:

  • Creating and attaching cache volumes
  • Detaching and removing cache volumes
  • Getting cache statistics for logical volumes
  • Listing the cache status of all logical volumes

… More at tm3.org/blog4