Here’s the blog posts that came out of the RDO community last week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Zaqar’s path going forward, by Flavio Percoco

Long time since I wrote my last post about Zaqar (ex Marconi) and I thought this one should be a summary of what has happened and what will, probably, happen going forward.

Let me start by sharing where Zaqar is in OpenStack.

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Zaqar’s pools explained, by Flavio Percoco

Now that I’ve dedicated time to explain what Zaqar’s path going forward is (Zaqar being a messaging service akin to SQS/SNS), I can move on and spend some time diving into some of Zaqar’s internals. For this post, I’d like to explain how Zaqar’s pools work.

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What’s new in OpenStack Juno, by Rich Bowen

OpenStack is on a six-month release cycle, with each release given a code name starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet. On October 16th, OpenStack Juno will be released, with several new projects, and lots of new features.

Here’s a few of the things you can expect in the next release of OpenStack. This isn’t intended to be comprehensive – just a taste of some of the things that are coming.

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Journey of IPv6 in OpenStack, by Sridhar Gaddam

In this post, I would like to share my views on how IPv6 support has evolved in OpenStack with references at appropriate places to where you will be able to find more information. I will try to first cover what is available in IceHouse, then review what has been merged in Juno and then talk about what is brewing for Kilo.

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Free webinar on the Heat orchestration service, by Maria Gallegos

On Tuesday, September 30, we will presenting a Taste of Red Hat Training webinar dedicated to Heat, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform orchestration service that allows you to run multiple composite cloud applications.

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OpenStack Board Meeting – 2014-09-18, by Russell Bryant

Board meetings are open with the exception of the occasional Executive Session for topics that really do need to be private. I attended the meeting on September 18, 2014. Jonathan Bryce has since posted a summary of the meeting, but I wanted to share some additional commentary.

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PTLs and Project Success in OpenStack, by Russell Bryant

We’re in the middle of another PTL change cycle. Nominations have occurred over the last week. We’ve also seen several people step down this cycle (Keystone, TripleO, Cinder, Heat, Glance). This is becoming a regular thing in OpenStack. The PTL position for most projects has changed hands over time. The Heat project changes every cycle. Nova has its 3rd PTL from a 3rd company (about to enter his 2nd cycle). With all of this change, some people express some amount of discomfort and concern.

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OpenStack Summit Paris: Agenda Confirms 22 Red Hat Sessions, by Jeff Jameson

As this Fall’s OpenStack Summit in Paris approaches, the Foundation has posted the session agenda, outlining the schedule of events. With an astonishing 1,100+ sessions submitted for review, I was happy to see that Red Hat and eNovance have a combined 22 sessions that are included in the weeks agenda, with two more as alternates.

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Integrating custom code with Nova using hooks, by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

Would you like to run some custom Python code when Nova creates and destroys virtual instances on your compute hosts? This is possible using Nova’s support for hooks, but the existing documentation is somewhat short on examples, so I’ve spent some time trying to get things working.

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