Due to travels, it’s been 2 weeks since the last RDO blog update. In conjuction with OpenStack Summit having been last week, this means that I have a huge list of blog posts to catch you up on this week.

Ansible 2.0: The Docker connection driver, by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

As the release of Ansible 2.0 draws closer, I’d like to take a look at some of the new features that are coming down the pipe. In this post, we’ll look at the docker connection driver.

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RDO test day summary by Rich Bowen

A big thanks to everyone that participated in the RDO Test Day over the last 48 hours. Here’s a few statistics from the day.

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Bootstrapping Ansible on Fedora 23 by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

If you’ve tried running Ansible against a Fedora 23 system, you may have run into the following problem:

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Stupid Ansible Tricks: Running a role from the command line by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

When writing Ansible roles I occasionally want a way to just run a role from the command line, without having to muck about with a playbook. I’ve seen similar requests on the mailing lists and on irc.

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Admin, by Adam Young

While I tend to play up bug 968696 for dramatic effect, the reality is we have a logical contradiction on what we mean by ‘admin’ when talking about RBAC.

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Announcing the Release of Kolla Liberty by Steve Dake

Hello OpenStackers! The Kolla community is pleased to announce the release of the Kolla Liberty. This release fixes 432 bugs and implements 58 blueprints!

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DevOps in a Bi-Modal World (Part 3 of 4) by James Labocki

In Part 2 of this series, we discussed what IT needs to do in a Mode 1 world to make itself more relevant to the business and reduce complexity. In this part, we will turn our attention to Mode 2 and discuss how the organization can solve its challenges by improving agility and increasing scalability.

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Cinder HA Active-Active specs up for review by Gorka Eguileor

It’s been some time since the last time I talked here about High Availability Active-Active configurations in Openstack’s Cinder service, and now I am quite pleased -and a little bit embarrassed it took so long- to announce that all specs are now up for reviewing.

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RDO Liberty released in CentOS Cloud SIG by Alan Pevec

We are pleased to announce the general availability of the RDO build for OpenStack Liberty for CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, suitable for building private, public and hybrid clouds. OpenStack Liberty is the 12th release of the open source software collaboratively built by a large number of contributors around the OpenStack.org project space.

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DevOps in a Bi-Modal World (Part 4 of 4) by James Labocki

In this series we have seen the complexity of bridging the gap between existing infrastructure and processes (Mode 1) and new, agile processes and architectures (Mode 2). Each brings its own set of challenges and demands on the organization. In Mode-1 organizations are looking to increase relevance and reduce complexity, and in Mode-2 they are looking to improve agility and increase scalability. In this post we will discuss how Red Hat addresses and solves each of these challenges.

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OpenStack Security Groups using OVN ACLs by Russell Bryant

OpenStack Security Groups give you a way to define packet filtering policy that is implemented by the cloud infrastructure. OVN and its OpenStack Neutron integration now includes support for security groups and this post discusses how it works.

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RDO Liberty DVR Neutron workflow on CentOS 7.1 by Boris Derzhavets

Per http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-specs/specs/juno/neutron-ovs-dvr.html DVR is supposed to address following problems which has traditional 3 Node deployment schema:-

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Why the Operating System Matters by Margaret Dawson

In IT today, we love to note that the infrastructure layer has become commoditized. This started with virtualization, as we could create many virtual machines within a single physical machine. Cloud has taken us further with a key value proposition of delivering cloud services on any standard server or virtualized environment, enabling easier scalability and faster service delivery, among other benefits.

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Ansible 2.0: New OpenStack modules by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

This is the second in a loose sequence of articles looking at new features in Ansible 2.0. In the previous article I looked at the Docker connection driver. In this article, I would like to provide an overview of the new-and-much-improved suite of modules for interacting with an OpenStack environment, and provide a few examples of their use.

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OpenStack Summit Tokyo – Day 0 (Pre-event) by Jeff Jameson

I’ve always enjoyed traveling to Tokyo, Japan, as the people are always so friendly and willing to help. Whether it’s finding my way through the Narita airport or just trying to find a place to eat, they’re always willing to help – even with the language barrier. And each time I visit, I see something new, learn another word (or two) in Japanese, and it all just seems new and exciting all over again. Add in the excitement and buzz of an OpenStack Summit and you’ve got a great week in Tokyo!

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Ducks by Rich Bowen

Why ducks?

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A Container Stack for OpenStack (Part 1 of 2) by Joe Fernandes

Open source continues to be a tremendous source of innovation and nowhere is that more evident than at the biannual OpenStack Summit. Over the past couple of years, as OpenStack interest and adoption has grown, we’ve seen another important innovation emerge from the open source community in the form of Linux containers, driven by Docker and associated open source projects. As the world gathers in Tokyo for another OpenStack Summit, we wanted to talk about how Red Hat is bringing these two innovations together, to make OpenStack a great platform for running containerized applications.

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OpenStack Summit Tokyo – Day 1 by Jeff Jameson

Kon’nichiwa from Tokyo, Japan where the 11th semi-annual OpenStack Summit is officially underway! This event has come a long way from its first gathering, more than five years ago, where 75 people gathered in Austin, Texas to learn about OpenStack in its infancy. That’s a sharp contrast with the 5,000+ people in attendance here in what marks Asia’s second OpenStack Summit.

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What does RDO stand for? by Rich Bowen

The RDO FAQ has long said that RDO doesn’t stand for anything. This is a very unsatisfying answer to one of the most frequently asked questions about RDO. So, a little while ago, I started saying that RDO stands for “Rich’s Distribution of OpenStack.” Although tongue-in-cheek, this response emphasizes that RDO is a community driven project. So it’s also Radez’s Distribution of OpenStack, and Radhesh’s and Russel’s and red_trela’s. (As well as lots of people whose names don’t start with R!)

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Proven OpenStack solutions. Simple OpenStack deployment. Powerful results. by Radhesh Balakrishnan

According to an IDC global survey sponsored by Cisco of 3,643 enterprise executives responsible for IT decisions, 69% of respondents indicated that their organizations have a cloud adoption strategy in place. Of these organizations, 65% say OpenStack is an important part of their cloud strategy and had higher expectations for business improvements associated with cloud adoption.

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OpenStack Summit Tokyo – Day 2 by Jeff Jameson

Hello again from Tokyo, Japan where the second day of OpenStack Summit has come to a close with plenty of news, interesting sessions, great discussion on the showfloor, and more.

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A Container Stack for OpenStack (Part 2 of 2) Joe Fernandes

In Part 1 of this blog series, I talked about how Red Hat has been working with the open source community to build a new container stack and our commitment to bring that to OpenStack. In Part 2 I will discuss additional capabilities Red Hat is working on to build an enterprise container infrastructure and how this is forms the foundation of our containerized application platform in OpenShift.

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OpenStack Summit Tokyo – Day 3 by Jeff Jameson

Hello again from Tokyo, Japan where the third and final day of OpenStack Summit has come to a close. As with the previous days of the event, there was plenty of news, interesting sessions, great discussions on the show floor, and more. All would likely agree that the 11th OpenStack Summit was a rousing overall success!

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Puppet OpenStack plans for Mitaka by Emilien Macchi

Our Tokyo week just ended and I really enjoyed to be at the Summit with the Puppet OpenStack folks. This blog post summarizes what we did this week and what we plan for the next release.

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