With the Mitaka milestone 2 release due very soon, the RDO community has two events in the coming days.

On January 20th/21st, we’ll be focusing on improving the website and documentation, to make it easier for people to get started with OpenStack on CentOS. We’ll be gathering on #rdo (on Freenode IRC) for any associated questions/discussion, and working through the open issues list.

On January 27th/28th, we’ll be running a test day of the Mitaka milestone 2 packages. Details of that test day will be on the test days page in the coming days, along with suggested test scenarios that we’d like to run through. Once again, we’ll be gathering on #rdo for this event.

We look forward to expanding the audience of these test days, and thereby improve everyone’s CentOS OpenStack experience. So please set aside an hour or two to help us test. Thanks.