Get involved

Help us make the RDO community site a great place for users and cloud operators in the Red Hat ecosystem by sharing your OpenStack questions and solutions on ask.openstack, and by adding the most useful solutions and user stories to the RDO website.

Our community strives to operate according to the terms of the OpenStack Code of Conduct.

  1. Get involved
    1. Discuss
    2. Stay informed
    3. Ask and answer
    4. Report
    5. Contribute
      1. Packaging
      2. Installers
      3. Docs and website


Come chat in real-time with RDO users on IRC on the Freenode server:

  • #rdo: Discussion around RDO in general (Transcripts)
  • #rdo-puppet: Discussion around deploying RDO with Packstack and it’s puppet modules
  • #openstack: Discussion around OpenStack with the broader OpenStack community
  • #centos-devel: Discussion around the CentOS Cloud Special Interest Group (SIG)

We have weekly IRC meetings you can participate in:

Join us for various Events around the world. Organize your own meetup. If you run a meetup group, or if you’re speaking at a meetup here’s some of the ways we can help out.

Stay informed

Follow us on Twitter at @rdocommunity, on Google+, or on Facebook, as you prefer.

Join our newsletter mailing list for monthly updates on RDO and the larger OpenStack world.

Watch RDO videos. These include recorded talks, meetups, and other community events.

Ask and answer

The site ask.openstack is the upstream Q&A for all manner of OpenStack issues.


An important way that you can contribute to RDO is by reporting any problems you encounter.

To file bugs against RDO, use the RDO bugzilla.

To report problems with this website, use the tracker on GitHub.

If you’re not sure where the problem likes is the best place to start.


RDO is a large community interested in packaging and deploying OpenStack on RHEL and its derivatives.

We can always use your feedback and contributions to make RDO better.


Get started by looking at the RDO packaging documentation, taking a glance at our packages and help with patch reviews.


Packages provided by RDO to install and configure OpenStack are available through several projects which could all use your help:

Docs and website

Help improve the documentation and website! The main pages for contributed content are documentation, troubleshooting and user stories.

Here are a few guidelines for contributing new content to the website:

  • Please search first to check if there is a similar page which you can update.
  • Use normal English case for page names. Running an instance is correct, Get Involved is not.
  • Please keep the website content connected! When you add a new page, add a link to it from the appropriate page(s).
  • Please be aware of our terms of use — among other things, you agree to license your contributions under the Creative Commons Attribution License version 3.0, and you agree not to submit illegal content.