Configuring Neutron with OVS and GRE Tunnels using quickstack

For now, quickstack neutron-controller is doing only GRE, it will therefore manage all the tunnels between the controller and the networker automatically.

    1. Assuming two NICs
    1. The physical interface (public/external network) IP will be moved to the br-ex OVS bridge
    1. The br-ex should be activated as well

Besides other needed parameters, make sure you have the values required, for example:

# params.pp excerpt but could be via foreman variables
$private_interface             = 'eth1'
$public_interface              = 'eth0'
$metadata_proxy_shared_secret  = 'CHANGEME'

# Floating IPs (external network br-ex)
$public_network_name = 'public'
$public_cidr = ''
$public_gateway_ip = ''
$public_allocation_pools_start = ''
$public_allocation_pools_end  = ''


  • The public_cidr should correspond to the existing physical network the host is attached to.
  • The public_gateway_ip is usually the default gateway
  • The allocation pools, will provide a range of foating IPs

The external/public bridge setup (br-ex) must be configured at the end of the deployment process. If not then run this command as openstack admin, with your values:

neutron net-create external --provider:network_type local --router:external true --shared  
neutron subnet-create external --disable-dhcp --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway=

What else?

Workflow for a Per Tenant networks/routers environment

  • For each tenant
    • Create a network/subnet/router (admin user)
    • Add Security Groups rules for the tenant (tenant user)
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp --direction ingress default
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --direction ingress default