OpenStack is one of the most exciting, fast-paced open source projects in the world right now. In a short period of time, the project has gained a critical mass of supporters, and is progressing swiftly. For the past three years, Red Hat has been fully engaged with the OpenStack project, and is now one of the top contributors to the project.

RDO brings you the latest version of OpenStack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux and other RHEL-based platforms, and on Fedora. This community-supported distribution of OpenStack includes the Packstack installer, which makes it very easy to bootstrap and grow your RDO install.

While initially RDO consisted of the OpenStack core projects, since the Big Tent reorganization, that list has grown. The projects packaged in RDO depend on what the users of the project indicate that they need, and what the community steps up to package.

Red Hat OpenStack

If you are happy with community support, and what you want is to use and test the latest version of OpenStack, then RDO is for you.

If, however, what you are looking for is a stable, supported platform, with certification of partner applications, and a reliable partner with a great track record in enterprise infrastructure to build or scale out your production OpenStack cloud, consider Red Hat OpenStack Platform.