
Every piece of software as complex as OpenStack has some pitfalls in its usage. We will use this page to collect tips and tricks related to installation and configuration issues, and issues which people run into during the lifetime of their OpenStack deployment.

Solutions from

The following list is the top 20 common issues with answers using the RDO tag, direct from the OpenStack Q&A forum.

If you cannot find the answer you need above or below, browse all RDO Q&A, all general OpenStack questions, or ask a new question.


FIXME: Port to Jekyll os_data = Oj.load open(‘’)

  • os_data[‘questions’].sort_by{ r r[‘view_count’]}.reverse.reject { r r[‘answer_count’] < 1}.take(20).each do question

    -#- next if question[‘answer_count’] < 1 -#- next if question[‘score’] < 1 -#- next unless question[‘accepted_answer_id’]

    %li.ask-blurb .ask-blurb-content = link_to question[‘title’], question[‘url’] -#.ask-blurb-info question[‘author’][‘username’] question[‘last_activity_at’].to_i %time.timeago{datetime:[‘last_activity_at’].to_i).iso8601} =[‘last_activity_at’].to_i).to_date -#.summary= question[‘summary’] .answers answers: = question[‘answer_count’] .answer accepted answer: = question[‘accepted_answer_id’] .viewcount views: = question[‘view_count’] .score score: = question[‘score’] –>

View all RDO Q&A…