Blog posts

Vote for OpenStack Summit Sessions

Another edition of the OpenStack Summit is coming up, this time in Tokyo. And, as usual, you have an opportunity to influence which talks will be selected for the event.

Of course, we’re biased, and there’s some talks we’d like to draw to your attention, in the hopes that there will be more RDO content at Summit, and we can bring even more people into our community.

Dive into Zuul, with Fabien Boucher

The OpenStack development workflow is one of the many reasons for the cloud platform’s success, and learning how it works is essential to going farther with the OpenStack project. In this talk, we will highlight features of Zuul, the gating tool that was specifically designed to manage contributions to OpenStack, by giving simple use case examples. This talk can help an OpenStack contributor gain a better understanding of the gating system used for OpenStack and can also be valuable for those wanting to improve their existing Gerrit/Jenkins-based continuous integration (CI) platform.

Common OpenStack RPM packaging upstream, with Dirk Müller, Haïkel Guémar, and Thomas Bechtold

Following a spark of discussion that started back at the last OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, RPM Packagers from Red Hat and SUSE decided to just try coming up with common RPM packaging that works universally across their distributions. Meeting again half a year later we’re recapping on how the packaging efforts started and what has been achieved so far and give an introduction for both new comers and existing Cloud Operators a way to join the effort.

CentOS loves OpenStack, with Haïkel Guémar, Rich Bowen, and Thomas Oulevey

One year ago, CentOS introduced Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which are smaller groups focus on a small set of issues. The Cloud SIG is one focused into bringing Cloud Infrastructure on top of CentOS, and among this group, we aimed to make OpenStack a first-class citizen with CentOS. OpenStack distribution is not just about packaging but also integration with the underlying Operating System. We learnt a lot from this experience, and managed to make OpenStack fit within CentOS story. Bridging the OpenStack upstream and the CentOS downstream communities, effectively. Free OpenStack for Planet Earth, with Will Foster, Dan Radez, Will Gough, Ben Swartzlander, and Kambiz Aghaiepour

The OpenStack Foundation and several generous corporate sponsors (including Red Hat, Dell, Cisco, and NetApp) have deployed, a free way for folks to learn more about OpenStack and its capabilities. TryStack is a production OpenStack instance, and the maintainers have learned a great deal about deployments, maintenance, upgrades, gotchas, and monitoring.

RDO: Continuously packaging OpenStack master, with Francisco Javier Peña, Haïkel Guémar, and Derek Higgins

Did you know that, right after the stable Kilo branches were created, you already had access to Liberty packages from the RDO community? RDO is continuously building packages from the master OpenStack branches, fixing them as needed and running integration tests.

RDO: How we package the cloudy monster, with Jakub Ruzicka

RDO is an open community dedicated to packaging OpenStack and providing high-quality RPM packages for supported distributions. And, because OpenStack is a huge project with lightning-fast development, there are many challenges in packaging it for slower-moving Linux distributions.

RDO Manager 101: OpenStack Deployment & Management, with Guillaume Chenuet and Alexandre Maumené

If you have deployed OpenStack before, than you know how platforms come with various degrees of complexity and features. As a DevOps, one of our first challenge is to setup a platform, then maintain it through regular bug & security updates, while ensuring there is no downtime for users (because hey, it’s in production!).

Ambassador community report, with a large panel of presenters

OpenStack Ambassadors connect the user groups to the Foundation. They help initialize the groups and guide them to grow. Ambassadors can give feedback about all the OpenStack community.

OpenStack OpenSource Cloud Management, with John Hardy

ManageIQ is an Open Source Cloud Management Platform that brings together vendors for best of breed management within a single pane glass view interface. The project supports many vendors as pluggable providers; Open Stack has both Infrastructure and Cloud provider plugins available for ManageIQ.

Cache-as-a Service in OpenStack, with Dan Lambright and Luis Pabón

Web based applications can see improved response times using distributed object caches. In this talk, you will learn how such applications can enjoy caching benefits when they move to OpenStack using our implementation of “Cache-as-a-Service”. Our design goals have been elasticity, maintainability, transparency to applications, and chargeability to tenants. We will explore several designs we considered and their trade offs, including service VMs and special-purpose instances spun up within the tenant, and show how they can be orchestrated using OpenStack Heat. Our implementation exports memcache and REDIS interfaces.

Leveraging Procedural Knowledge - A Path From n00b to OpenStack Contributor, with Rain Leander

On the road to senior developer, one has to learn multiple languages. This often seems like a series of massive obstacles wherein each new language resembles a new beginning. However, developers may often underestimate the extent to which procedural knowledge from one language transfers to a new language. In this talk, I will demonstrate that the process from support engineer to Django Girls workshop participant to OpenStack contributor was a series of procedural knowledge transfers, wherein the obstacles to learning reduces with each new technology that is learned.

Debugging the Virtualization layer (libvirt and QEMU) in OpenStack, with Kashyap Chamarthy

Virtualization drivers (e.g. libvirt, QEMU/KVM) are the core part of OpenStack Compute layer. An OpenStack environment is challenging to debug as is – more so when multiple Compute nodes and thereby multiple libvirt daemons and QEMU instances are involved. A good grasp of Virtualization debugging mechanisms is vital for effective root cause analysis. To that end, libvirt and QEMU provide a rich set of debugging controls that allow us to query (or modify) the state of virtual machines in distress.

RDO blog roundup, week of July 27, 2015

Here’s what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Adding another External network to the Multi Node OpenStack Setup by Silver Sky Soft

The external networks for an OpenStack deployment can be a combination of your intranet corporate IT network and internet facing external network. For common use case, we look a way to add another external network to OpenStack deployment.


Containerize OpenStack with Docker by Ryan Hallisey

Today in the cloud space, a lot of buzz in the market stems from Docker and providing support for launching containers on top of an existing platform. However, what is often overlooked is the use of Docker to improve deployment of the infrastructure platforms themselves; in other words, the ability to ship your cloud in containers.


Setup Nova-Docker Driver with RDO Kilo on Fedora 22 by Boris Derzhavets

Hackery bellow was tested multiple times for AIO installs via packstack, providing completly functional Neutron Services and allows to create neutron routers, tenant’s and external networks on single box or virtual machine.


Setup Nova-Docker Driver with RDO Kilo on F22 via master branch by Boris Derzhavets

Current post describes in details a sequence of steps which allow to work with Nova-Docker driver been built based on top commit of master nova-docker branch, stable/kilo branch is not supposed to be checked out before running python install. This results several additional efforts. First one is targeting ability to restart nova-compute service after switching to NovaDocker driver , second one is related with tuning configuration files of glance-api and glance-registry services and make them able for successful restart after adding “docker” to “containers_formats” in glance-api.conf


Setup NovaDocker Container via supertaihei02/docker-centos-lamp:lamp with RDO Kilo on CentOS 7.1 by Boris Derzhavets

Setup NovaDocker Container via supertaihei02/docker-centos-lamp:lamp with RDO Kilo on CentOS 7.1


A journey of a packet within OpenContrail by Sylvain Afchain

In this post we will see how a packet generated by a VM is able to reach another VM or an external resource, what are the key concepts/components in the context of Neutron using the OpenContrail plugin. We will focus on OpenContrail, how it implements the overlay and the tools that it provides to check/troubleshoot how the packet are forwarded. Before getting started, I’ll give a little overview of the key concepts of OpenContrail.


Enable SPICE HTML5 Console Access in OpenStack Kilo by Silver Sky Soft

Documentation is a bit sparse on what configuration parameters to enable for SPICE console access. This article provides our notes for enabling SPICE on CentOS 7.1 with OpenStack Kilo.


Celebrating Kubernetes 1.0 and the future of container management on OpenStack by Steve Gordon

This week, together with Google and others we celebrated the launch of Kubernetes 1.0 at OSCON in Portland as well as the launch of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation or CNCF (, of which Red Hat, Google, and others are founding members. Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications providing basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. The project was originally created by Google and is now developed by a vibrant community of contributors including Red Hat.


OpenStack Tokyo summit voting is now open! by Assaf Muller

Nir Yechiel and I submitted a session titled: ‘L3 HA, DVR, L2 Population… Oh My!’


In which we are amazed it doesn’t all fall apart by Lars Kellogg-Stedman


RDO blog roundup, week of July 13, 2015

Here’s what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Dive into Zuul – Gated commit system, by Fabien Boucher

Zuul is a software developed by the OpenStack community. It was developed as an efficient gated commit system, allowing projects to merge patches only after they pass a series of tests. It reduces the probability of breaking the master branch, for instance when unit tests or functional tests no longer pass on the tip of master.


RDO KIlo Set up Two KVMs Nodes (Controller+Compute) ML2&OVS&VLAN on CentOS 7.1, by Boris Derzhavets

Following bellow a simple two node Controller&&Network and Compute test for oncoming RDO Kilo, which was performed on Fedora 21 host with KVM/Libvirt Hypervisor (16 GB RAM, i5-4690 Intel CPU,ASUS Z97-P Board)


Inside Cinder’s Incremental Backup, by Gorka Eguileor

I’ve been asked a couple of times how Cinder’s Incremental Backup works and what do I actually mean when I say we need to rework Ceph’s Backup driver to support Cinder’s Incremental Backup. So I’ll try to explain both in this post.


Set up Nova-Docker Driver on OpenStack RDO Kilo on CentOS 7.1 by Boris Derzhavets

Posting bellow is targeting testing official version of Nova-Doker Driver for Openstack Kilo with development version RDO Kilo. RDO Kilo installed via packstack --allinone on virtual CentOS 7.1


RDO Kilo Set up for three VM Nodes (Controller+Network+Compute) ML2&OVS&VXLAN on CentOS 7.1 by Boris Derzhavets

Following bellow is brief instruction for traditional three node deployment test Controller&&Network&&Compute for oncoming RDO Kilo, which was performed on Fedora 21 host with KVM/Libvirt Hypervisor (16 GB RAM, Intel Core i7-4771 Haswell CPU, ASUS Z97-P )


Setup Nova-Docker Driver with RDO Kilo on Fedora 22 by Boris Derzhavets

Hackery bellow was tested multiple times for AIO installs via packstack, providing completly functional Neutron Services and allows to create neutron routers, tenant’s and external networks on single box or virtual machine.


Blog roundup, week of July 6, 2015

Here’s what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Dive into Zuul – Gated commit system by Fabien Boucher

Zuul is a software developed by the OpenStack community. It was developed as an efficient gated commit system, allowing projects to merge patches only after they pass a series of tests. It reduces the probability of breaking the master branch, for instance when unit tests or functional tests no longer pass on the tip of master.


RDO Kilo Set up for three F22 VM Nodes Controller&Network&Compute (ML2&OVS&VXLAN) by Boris Derzhavets

During last month procedure of RDO Kilo install has been significantly changed. View details here Switching to Dashboard Spice Console in RDO Kilo on Fedora 22. Patching per Javier Pena is no longer important. Now mentioned install requires dnf --enablerepo=rawhide update openstack-packstack. View also section about “Switching to Dashboard Spice in RDO Kilo on Fedora 22”


Blog roundup, week of June 29, 2015

Here’s what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

OpenStack’s Volume Backup Status by Gorka Eguileor

When working in the Cloud the idea of doing backups like in the old days may seen counter intuitive. After all, the main reasons for having backups are recovering data after it’s lost, by deletion or corruption, and recovering it from an earlier time, and you have those covered with fast volume snapshots and the use of fault tolerant back-ends like Ceph, that replicate data, for your volumes. So, why would you still need old school backups?


A fresh look for the oVirt Administrator Portal Dashboard by Liz Blanchard

In the next major release of oVirt, we have been putting some thought into updating the Dashboard for the Administrator Portal. The goal for this update would be to allow admins to quickly glance at the state of their environment, see the metrics that are most important to them, and then jump off to dig even deeper from there.


Heat-kubernetes Demo with Autoscaling by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

Next week is the Red Hat Summit in Boston, and I’ll be taking part in a Project Atomic presentation in which I will discuss various (well, two) options for deploying Atomic into an OpenStack environment, focusing on my heat-kubernetes templates.


Puppet Module Functional Testing with Vagrant, OpenStack and Beaker by Emilien Macchi

During the last OpenStack Summit, I had the pleasure to participate to the Infra sessions and we agreed at how to make functional testing for both Puppet OpenStack and Puppet Infra modules, which is a real proof of collaboration between both groups.


Cinder Volume Back Up Automation by Gorka Eguileor

In my previous post on OpenStack’s volume backups I gave an overview of Cinder’s Backup service current status and I mentioned that some of the limitations that currently exist could be easily overcome scripting a helper tool. In this post I’m going to explain different options to create such a script and provide one as a sample/reference.


OpenStack Networking without DHCP by Lars Kellogg-Stedman

In an OpenStack environment, cloud-init generally fetches information from the metadata service provided by Nova. It also has support for reading this information from a configuration drive, which under OpenStack means a virtual CD-ROM device attached to your instance containing the same information that would normally be available via the metadata service.


Switching to Dashboard Spice Console in RDO Kilo on Fedora 22 (Update) by Boris Derzhavets

(an update to the earlier post about using Spice Console in RDO)


Blog roundup, week of June 15, 2015

Here’s what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Survey: OpenStack users value portability, support, and complementary open source tools by Gordon Haff

75 percent of the respondents in a recent survey conducted for Red Hat said that being able to move OpenStack workloads to different providers or platforms was important (ranked 4 or 5 out of 5)–and a mere 5 percent said that this question was of least importance. This was just one of the answers that highlighted a general desire to avoid proprietary solutions and lock-in.


Streamlining the Install of OpenStack with the RDO Manager UI, by Liz Blanchard

Before being able to use everything that OpenStack has to offer, you need to be able to install it. The installation step of OpenStack has been a heavily talked about topic over the last few years. Whether you are a developer or tester trying to get your environment up and running or an end user trying to use OpenStack to spin up VMs, you’ve most likely put a fair amount of time into the install and configuration step. Since it’s the first thing every user experiences with OpenStack we really need to make it as effortless as possible. OpenStack is an interesting beast because there are so many pieces to the project (some being optional) which make configuration very tricky. We’ve set out to reduce the frustration from a user’s point of view as we designed RDO Manager.


RDO and Upstream Packaging by Mark McLoughlin

Derek mentioned “upstream packaging” on this week’s packaging meeting and asked RDO packagers to participate in the upstream discussions. I thought some more context might be useful.


RDO-Manager by Rich Bowen (Podcast)

Last month at the RDO meetup in Vancouver, a number of topics were discussed. Jarda talked about RDO-Manager, the installation and management tool based on TripleO. Here’s just that part of the meeting.


RDO and CentOS by Rich Bowen (Podcast)

Continuing in the series about the RDO Meetup in Vancouver, in this recording we have Karsten Wade, of the CentOS project, talking about CentOS’s relationship with RDO, and with OpenStack in general. He talks about the CentOS build infrastructure, CI, package repos, and the CentOS Cloud SIG.


Switching to Dashboard Spice Console in RDO Kilo on Fedora 22 by Boris Derzhavets

I’ve got sound working on CentOS 7 VM ( connection to console via virt-manager) with slightly updated patch of Y.Kawada , self.type set “ich6” RDO Kilo installed on bare metal AIO testing host, Fedora 22. Same results have been obtained for RDO Kilo on CentOS 7.1. However , connection to spice console having cut&&paste and sound enabled features may be obtained via spicy


Blog roundup, week of June 8, 2015

Here’s what RDO engineers have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Debugging RabbitMQ frame_too_large Error, by John Eckersberg

An interesting bug came to my attention today, and upon digging into it, a very sane explanation emerged for what initially to me looked like a crazy scenario.


Dynamic Policy and Microversions by Adam Young

Both Core APIs and Policy have been static for a long part of OpenStack’s lifespan. While I’ve been working on Dynamic Policy, the Nova team has been looking to use microversions to allow the API to morph more quickly. Are the two approaches going to interoperate, or are they going to conflict?


OPNFV Arno hits the streets by Dave Neary

The first release of the OPNFV project, Arno, is now available. The release, named after the Italian river which flows through the city of Florence on its way to the Mediterranean Sea, is the result of significant industry collaboration, starting from the creation of the project in October 2014.


Blog roundup, week of June 1, 2015

Here’s what RDO engineers have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

Back from Vancouver, towards Liberty, by Flavio Percoco

Just like in every other summit, we had fun, we discussed things, we brainstormed, we (kinda) fought, we enjoyed the excitement of being there and we came back with plans that we consider are a common ground between what we and others think is best for our projects and our community.


Life at the Intersection of Pets and Cattle, by Andrew Beekhof

The theory goes that pets have no place in the server room. Everything should be stateless and replicated and if one copy dies, who cares because there are 100 more. Except real life isn’t like that.


TripleO Liberty Recap, by James Slagle

Over the Kilo cycle, we’ve added a bunch of features to TripleO. See my last blog post for more details of what was added. TripleO has been able to deploy OpenStack clouds for a while, but the community has really been focusing on pushing forwards with making the tooling flexible enough to deploy across a wide variety of production needs. We’ve made a lot of great progress recently. At the summit, a couple of clear messages shone through to me concerning TripleO.


OpenStack Swift – Vancouver summit report, by Christian Schwede

I’d like to share a few highlights regarding Swift during last weeks OpenStack Summit in Vancouver. From my experience it was the best summit so far – for Swift as well as overall.


Geocaching at OpenStack Summit, by Rich Bowen

Well, I planned to go geocaching at OpenStack Summit, but it really didn’t work out. Almost every moment that I wasn’t working the expo hall, I was in my hotel room, in bed. Yes, I spent most of OpenStack Summit week sick, and didn’t get out of the hotel much.


RDO blog roundup, week of May 26, 2015

Here’s what RDO engineers have been writing about over the past week.

If you’re writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL, and you’re not on my list, please let me know!

CentOS Cloud SIG announces Kilo and Juno package repos, by Rich Bowen

The CentOS Cloud SIG is pleased to announce the availability of OpenStack Kilo package repositories for CentOS 7, and Juno repositories for CentOS 6. These are the result of the last few months of work by the Cloud SIG membership, and, of course, we owe a great deal of gratitude to the upstream OpenStack community as well.


Puppet OpenStack plans for Liberty, by Emilien Macchi

Our Vancouver week just ended and I think it was a very productive Summit for the Puppet OpenStack folks. This blog post summarizes what we did this week, and what we plan for the next release.


Vulnerability Management for OpenStack Liberty cycle, by Tristan Cacqueray

This is a summary of the latest OpenStack design summit for the Vulnerability Management Team (VMT). The team’s goal is to coordinate the progressive disclosure of vulnerability in OpenStack, the complete process is explained here: vmt-process. This team writes OpenStack Security Advisories (OSSA).


RDO Meetup, OpenStack Summit Vancouver, by Rich Bowen

On Thursday morning at the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, roughly 60 RDO enthusiasts gathered to discuss a variety of topics around the RDO project. Officially we had just 40 minutes, but since we were followed by a coffee break, we went overtime by about 20 minutes, and there was still some hallway discussion following that.


RDO Meetup, OpenStack Summit Vancouver

On Thursday morning at the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, roughly 60 RDO enthusiasts gathered to discuss a variety of topics around the RDO project. Officially we had just 40 minutes, but since we were followed by a coffee break, we went overtime by about 20 minutes, and there was still some hallway discussion following that.

The complete agenda can be seen in the meeting etherpad. Highlights include:

  • Perry Myers talked some about the packaging effort - the status, and where people can get involved in that. Several people in attendance expressed a desire to get more involved. There was also some talk about how we are going to handle packaging for Fedora in the future.

  • Jaromir Coufal gave an overview of the RDO-Manager project, which is the effort to build an installer/manager for your RDO OpenStack cloud, based on TripleO and other OpenStack projects.

  • There was some discussion around what will be included in future packaging of RDO - for example, whether it will include the newly minted projects such as Murano, Congress, Mistral, and so on. The consensus appears to be that this is up to who steps up to do that work, and so is another incentive to get more people involved in packaging.

  • Karsten Wade gave an update on the CentOS infrastructure, including the recent release of CentOS RDO package repositories. Questions here include the relationship between these new repos and the existing RDO repos on - the intent is that the repos on will replace these. Karsten also talked about the CentOS project’s plan for OpenStack/CentOS CI such that upgrades to CentOS never break OpenStack, and vice versa, if you use these repos.

  • Following from this, there was discussion of the CI infrastructure which is key to that decision. It was noted that other related projects, such as libvirt, are also using that infrastructure, which could lead to helpful cooperation between the projects.

  • Dan Radez gave an overview of OPNFV and the plans to integrate it with RDO.

  • Dan also talked about TryStack, and the plans to improve it in the months to come.

  • In the coming weeks, this website will be migrating off of MediaWiki and Vanilla Forums, to a git-based system using Middleman. This will make it easier for people to contribute to the content, and will also solve other persistent technical problems related the the current system, authentication, and URL mapping. It will also ensure better historical tracking of content. There was some discussion of plans to reorganize the content of the site to better facilitate community engagement.

  • Given the quantity of topics, and the lack of time, we talked about trying to do a full-day event at FOSDEM, in conjunction with the CentOS Dojo there, where we could devote an hour to each topic, rather than cutting everyone off after 5 minutes.

All of the above items will be discussed further on the mailing list in the coming weeks. The meetup, while very valuable, wasn’t long enough to do much more than start conversations and find interested people. Look for these conversations soon - or start one yourself if there’s a topic that you’re particular interested in.

Once again, a huge thanks to everyone that attended, and everyone that presented topics.