Blog posts

RDO welcomes eNovance to the Red Hat family!

RALEIGH, N.C. – June 18, 2014 – Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire eNovance, a leading provider of open source cloud computing services. Combined with Red Hat’s existing leadership in OpenStack, the addition of eNovance’s systems integration capabilities and engineering talent is aimed at meeting growing demand for enterprise OpenStack consulting, design and deployment.

… more at

RDO warmly welcomes the eNovance team to the family, and we look forward to working with you to make OpenStack even better.

What's new in the OpenStack Heat Icehouse release - Hangout

On Tuesday, April 29th, at 9am Eastern US time - that’s in your timezone - Steve Baker will be presenting a Google Hangout on OpenStack Heat, and what’s new in the Icehouse release.

The presentation will be streamed live on YouTube at , but will also be available on-demand at that same URL after the event.

During the event, questions and discussion will be on the #rdo-hangout channel on the Freenode IRC network

Register your intention to attend at

Stable Havana 2013.2.3 update

The RDO Havana repositories were updated with the latest stable 2013.2.3 update Details of the changes can be drilled down to from:

In addition there have been these client rebases:

python-keystoneclient from 0.4.1 to 0.7.1 python-neutronclient from 2.3.1 to 2.3.4

See for further discussion.

RDO at OpenStack Summit

The schedule for the OpenStack Summit has been posted - - and there’s tons of great content from across the OpenStack ecosystem, from dozens of projects. We’re particularly exited about the content being presented by RDO engineers, as well as our colleagues that work on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform (RHEL-OSP). Those presentations are listed at and you’ll probably recognize a number of the names from this forum, the mailing lists, and IRC.

We’re really looking forward to Summit. If you’re going to be there, please drop by the RDO booth and say hi. We’d like to hear about how you’re using OpenStack in your organization.

Register soon - the Early Bird rate ends on Friday!

Red Hat Summit, April 14th-17th, San Francisco

In just two weeks, Red Hat people from around the world will be gathering in San Francisco for the Red Hat Summit. In addition to the talks and workshops about Red Hat Enterprise Linux and many other Red Hat products, there will be a wealth of content about OpenStack, from some of the people who work on OpenStack and RDO.

To highlight just a few of these:

Software-defined networking (SDN), OpenFlow, & OpenStack - Vivek Dasgupta

Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure architecture design - Dan Radez, Brad Ascar

Deterministic capacity planning for OpenStack as elastic cloud infrastructure - Keith Basil, Sean Cohen, Tushar Katarki

Deep dive: OpenStack Compute - Stephen Gordon

Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure networking deep dive - Nir Yechiel

Introduction to Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform - Rhys Oxenham

How to use Red Hat solutions in a public cloud - Gordon Haff, Jane Circle

Implementing storage with OpenStack - John Hoffer

Also, be sure to drop by the RDO booth in the Community Pavilion to see the demos of packstack, Heat, Tuskar, OpenShift, and many other things. We look forward to seeing you there!

Podcast: Ohad Levy on RDO and the Foreman

Yesterday I spoke with Ohad Levy about his work on installing RDO using the Foreman. I had done an interview with him at FOSDEM on the same topic, but that didn’t work out.

If the player above doesn’t work for you, you can listen to the interview HERE.

RDO March Newsletter

RDO Newsletter, March 2014

Hi again, and thanks for being part of the RDO community. We’ve got a number of events coming up, and various ways you can get involved in the RDO project, as well as the upsream OpenStack community, but first, a little bit about what happened since the last time I wrote.

February events

Last week, Lars Kellogg-Stedman hosted a Google Hangout in which he talked about standing up a multi-node OpenStack installation using RDO and Packstack. You can watch that presentation at and the slides from the presentation, including cut-and-paste command lines to reproduce the setup yourself, can be found at Other past RDO hangouts can be seen at along with announcements of upcoming ones.

When last I wrote, I was in Belgium attending FOSDEM. That event was fantastic, and a little overwhelming, with over 5000 Free/Libre/OpenSource Software enthusiasts descending on the University of Brussels to celebrate and learn about various software projects and the issues surrounding them. While there, I interviewed Ohad Levy, who works on deploying OpenStack with The Foreman, about his work. Unfortunately, I managed to turn off the recorder before we started talking, and I have nothing to show for it. We’ll be having that conversation again over the phone in the coming days, and I’ll publish that on the RDO website.

Additionally, I attended Configuration Management Camp - - and - - in Ghent, which focused on issues that are important to us in the OpenStack world - configuration management, automation, and monitoring.

Last weekend, RDO had a table at SCaLE - the Southern California Linux Expo - - where we had steady traffic through the whole event, with people telling us how much they love RDO, and other folks asking a lot of great questions about OpenStack, and where it fits into the larger cloud ecosystem, including projects like oVirt and OpenShift, who were our neighbors in our booth.

Upcoming events

We are planning our next RDO Test Days on March 19th and 20th. We’ll be testing the third Icehouse milestone in preparation for the final release of Icehouse on April 17th. You can find more about the test day, and sign up to participate, at

We’ll be hosting another Google Hangout on Thursday, March 27th. Flavio Parcoco will be telling us about the Marconi project - - what it is, what the plans are for the coming releases, and how you can get involved in the development of this new piece of OpenStack infrastructure. That presentation will be streamed live at and also recorded there for viewing afterwards.

Finally, don’t forget that the OpenStack Summit is just around the corner - May 12-16th in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The vote has just closed for what sessions will be presented there - many thanks to those of you who voted - and now the selection process starts, with track chairs putting together the schedule from the sessions that did well in that process. We should see the schedule published in the coming month, and then it’s off to Atlanta. We hope to see you there. Red Hat will have a booth there, featuring demos of RDO as well as our commercial OpenStack offering. We’d love to see you there - get your tickets early to take advantage of the early bird rates.


It’s always fun to look at the statistics around OpenStack. They shift so quickly, even from hour to hour, and it’s exciting to watch the progress of the project by the numbers.

One great place to find statistics is the Stackalytics site - - where you can watch contributions by company, by module, by release, or by individual contributor. Something I find particularly interesting, as a writer, is that the second most active module within the ecosystem is the openstack-manuals project. 7% of contributions are to the documentation, second only to nova.

For RDO-specific statistics, we have which was put together by Bitergia, the same company that does the Stackalytics site. Here you can track who’s involved in the wiki, the mailing lists, and the development of the code.

Get Involved

As always, a few reminders of how you can get involved in the RDO project.

The wiki, at , is one of the best ways you can share your experience with the rest of the RDO community. Articles about getting various scenarios working, corrections or addenda to existing articles, or suggestions for articles that you’d like to see written, are all a great help to people trying to run OpenStack.

If you have questions, or if you want to help answer other people’s questions, go to where there are questions from all over the OpenStack community - not just RDO users - and answers from experts on a variety of aspects of OpenStack. This is the best place to ask your questions, or to find other people who have already asked your question and received answers and advice.

If mailing lists are more to your liking, the rdo-list mailing list is the place to ask your questions and help other folks out with theirs. You can sign up for the list, or make alterations to your subscription, at

And finally, you can adjust your subscription to this newsletter, or invite your colleagues, at

Thanks again for being part of the RDO community. We look forward to seeing your contibutions.

– Rich Bowen, for the RDO community @rdocommunity

OpenStack Summit sessions - please vote

As you may know, sessions at the OpenStack Summit are selected by vote from the community. While we strongly encourage you to vote for the sessions that you find the most interesting, we ask that you’ll consider the following talks, from engineers working on RDO and OpenStack at Red Hat.


Feb 27 Hangout, multinode deployment with packstack

On Thursday, February 27th, at 10am EST (That’s your timezone) Lars Kellogg-Stedman will be doing a walk-through of a multinode deployment with packstack. This will be a Google Hangout, and will be streamed live at (That’s just a placeholder page for now, but will redirect to the stream when the event starts.) And for those that find this time inconvenient, we’ll be recording the presentation so you can watch it later.

Back-channel chat, and questions, will be on the #rdo-hangout IRC channel on Freenode during the presentation.

Icehouse milestone 2 test day - Feb 4-5

With Icehouse milestone 2 out today, we’re planning an RDO test day in two weeks - February 4-5 - once we’ve had a chance to get the packages ready and some baseline testing done on them. Details for this test day will be available at where you can also sign up to indicate that you’ll be participating, and in what capacity.

Watch that page, and the rdo-list mailing list - - for more details as the date approaches.

You can see what we accomplished on the most recent test day, at , when about 50 people participated, and opened 48 tickets. (Thanks to everyone who participated for helping make RDO and OpenStack that much better.)