Blog posts

Congratulations to the CentOS project, from RDO

The RDO Community is thrilled with Red Hat’s recent announcement of the closer relationship with CentOS (LINK HERE - ). Congratulations to the CentOS project, and to all the folks who have worked so hard to make this happen.

We’ve already enjoyed a lot of energy from the Fedora community, in testing RDO, submitting bugs reports and fixes, and participating in the support conversation on IRC and

We’re really looking forward to seeing this kind of energy build from the CentOS community as well, and Red Hat’s closer relationship with CentOS gives us a better avenue to help make this happen.

In the coming months, we hope to engage more closely with CentOS, providing a Live distro of RDO based on CentOS, CentOS cloud images, and participating in the development of the CentOS Cloud Infrastructure SIG in any way we can. We’re really excited about the future with CentOS, especially those of who are already CentOS users!

RDO test day today

A reminder that today and tomorrow are the RDO test days. If you have an hour or so to spare, come help us test the Icehouse Milestone 1 release. See for details, and come join us on #rdo on the Freenode IRC network.

Reminder - RDO test day next week

Next week (January 7/8) we’ll be doing our first Icehouse test day, and we’d appreciate it if you could help us out with an hour or two of your time.

Details on the test day can be found at and a matrix of what we’d like to test is at

For the live backchannel, please join the #rdo channel on the Freenode IRC network, where many of us will be all day to answer questions, help work through problems, and for just general chat.

Thanks for any time you can contribute to this testing effort, to help make RDO as solid as possible.

Get Fedora 20 now!

Fedora 20 is out – get it now from

Import into glance:
glance image-create --name "Fedora 20 x86_64" --disk-format qcow2 \
     --container-format bare --is-public true --copy-from \ 

From an OpenStack point of view, one notable addition is the addition of the Heat tools provisioning images.

As with Fedora 19, cloud-init is configured to create a user fedora by default.

Unified CLI now available for testing in RDO

Unified OpenStack Client command-line tool is now available for testing as python-openstackclient package at RDO Havana repository.

OpenStack Client is on a mission to provide a single consistent CLI for interacting with OpenStack services. It’s a thin wrapper to the stock python-*client modules that implement the actual REST API client actions. Although OpenStack Client is considered to be alpha quality as of 0.2, it already provides commands to interact with:

  • Keystone
  • Nova
  • Cinder
  • Glance


  • With RDO Havana repository in place, install using yum install python-openstackclient
  • As with all clients, you need to supply your credentials. If you installed with packstack, . ~root/keystonerc_admin might do the trick.
  • Executable is called openstack
  • To get list of available commands, use openstack -h
  • To get usage of a specific command, use openstack help COMMAND

Example usage

$ openstack help image
Command "image" matches:
  image delete
  image list
  image show
  image set
  image save
  image create

$ openstack help image list
usage: openstack image list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                            [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                            [--page-size ]
List available images

$ openstack image list
INFO: urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTP connection (1):
| ID                                   | Name    |
| bfc2109b-ab0b-4fd7-99b7-ec394bebd355 | cirros  |
| b0b22e14-4d20-4174-a2f8-b6dcafdb88bd | El Niño |

RDO site outage

We experienced a brief website outage in the morning of November 19th (Europe time) due to a database issue. The error was resolved as soon as we became aware of it, and we are taking steps to ensure that it does not repeat.

Thanks for your understanding,

Interview with Floss Weekly - Wednesday November 13th

We’ll be doing an interview with Floss Weekly on Wednesday, November 13th, at 8:30 Pacific Time. You can get more details, including the links where you can listen to the interview, at

Reminder: OpenStack Networking hangout TODAY

A reminder that the OpenStack Networking (Part II) hangout will be on Thursday. Brent Eagles (beagles) will be picking up where Dave left off last month, and talking about GRE tunneling, VLANs, and other more advanced techniques.

Details and signup at

If you can help answer questions, please be on the #rdo channel on Freenode. If you’re not real familiar with IRC, you can join at

Reminder: RDO/Havana test day TODAY

Please remember that TODAY we’re doing an RDO/Havana test day. You can get more details about what we’d like to test, at

Please take a moment to add your name to the list there if you’re going to participate, so that we can have some idea of who’s going to be there, and some record afterwards of how many showed up. Thanks!


RDO Grizzly 2013.1.4 packages released

From the rdo-list mailing list, for those of you who aren’t on it:

The RDO Grizzly repositories were updated with the latest stable 2013.1.4 update
Details of the changes can be drilled down to from:


(Subscribe to rdo-list at if you’re not on it already.)