Blog posts

Red Hat Summit 2013: OpenStack Keynotes, Videos & Presentations

First off, Red Hat Summit last week in Boston was awesome. The level of excitement around OpenStack and in particular on what Red Hat has been doing upstream and with our soon to be released products was tangible.

There were a lot of great sessions at Summit, but I’ve picked a handful here that I think are an excellent primer for both OpenStack, elastic cloud and what we’re doing with RDO (and Red Hat OpenStack too). These are all worth watching, especially Keith Basil’s elastic cloud explanation and his fish video (it was mesmerizing) :)

Paul Cormier’s Keynote:

Brian Stevens’ Keynote:

Chuck Dubuque and Gerry Riveros: Introduction to Red Hat OpenStack

Gerry and Chuck are both part of the marketing team at Red Hat. This presentation is a great way to get an understanding of where RDO/RHOS is applicable vs. existing datacenter virtualization (RHEV).

Keith Basil: Introduction & Overview of OpenStack for IaaS Clouds

Basil is a product manager at Red Hat on OpenStack. This presentation is a good overview of OpenStack components, but I think the better part is the explanation of elastic cloud and what makes applications elastic vs. not.

Russell Bryant: OpenStack Architecture

Russell is the upstream Nova project technical lead (PTL). This presentation is a deeper dive into OpenStack components than what Keith provides, specifically, Russell focuses in on how you can provide high availability and scaling for each of the core services.

RDO Draw day 2: Congratulations to Jean-Francois Saucier!

The lucky winner of the second Nexus 4 phone which we gave away as part of the Red Hat Summit draw at the RDO stand went to Jean-François Saucier, a systems and security analyst with DJJ Consultants. He went home from the Summit the proud owner of a new phone.

Jean-Francois Saunier

Congratulations to Jean-François! Thanks for your interest in RDO.

RDO draw at the Red Hat Summit

Come by the RDO stand in the developer lounge at the Red Hat Summit this week and enter our draw for a chance to win a Nexus 4 phone. We are giving away two Nexus 4s to two lucky attendees. Draws occur at 1:45 pm at the booth.

The first Nexus 4 phone has been won by Gerald Nazareth - congratulations to Gerald. Call by the booth to pick up your prize! There’s still a chance to win, though - call by the RDO stand this evening from 5:30pm to 7:30pm or tomorrow (Thursday 12th) between 11:00am and 1:45pm to enter.

OpenStack and RDO at the Red Hat Summit

Next week, the Red Hat Summit will be taking place in Boston. There are lots of OpenStack related activities around the summit, including 20 presentations, a practical lab, and RDO, Red Hat OpenStack and IaaS stands where you can meet developers, get demos and find out what’s going on in the OpenStack world.

Ruth Suehle put together a summary of some of the OpenStack related content happening around the Summit over on - go find out more there!

Try out RDO on TryStack!

In April, Red Hat released RDO, a distribution of OpenStack Grizzly for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its derivatives, to make it easier for users of these platforms to get started with OpenStack.

Now we’re making it even easier to try out OpenStack on RHEL by making it available on, a publicly accessible cluster where anyone can register and try out OpenStack.

The x86 OpenStack cluster at runs on RHEL 6.4 and thanks to some awesome work from Dan Radez we have recently completed the upgrade to the Grizzly release using packages from RDO. Red Hat has committed to the ongoing support and maintenance of the x86 cluster.

Head over to now to register for an account, and try out RDO for your self.

For more information on getting started with RDO on your own servers, visit and download the packages today.

Webinar, 29 May: \"RDO: An OpenStack community project\"

Update (May 30th): This webinar is now available online for your viewing pleasure. learn more about OpenStack, what Red Hat are doing there, and what RDO is (and why you should care) on the Webinar page of now.

Next Wednesday, May 29th, Keith Basil (Red Hat OpenStack product manager) and myself (Dave Neary, RDO community liaison) will be giving a joint webinar on OpenStack, RDO and Red Hat OpenStack, and how they fit together. The presentation will focus mostly on the strengths of OpenStack, and why Red Hat got involved, as well as the RDO distribution. We will also look at some of the differences between RDO and Red Hat OpenStack.

The event is free, and registration is open!

A Community for Using OpenStack with Red Hat: RDO

A new article on the RDO project was published on the Red Hat blog today, covering what is RDO, who it’s for, and how it relates to Red Hat’s OpenStack product.

RDO offers a pure community-supported upstream OpenStack experience with the latest stable release (Grizzly) from, packaged, integrated, and easy to deploy on Red Hat platforms.

RDO is also intended to be a community—the best place to get information about running OpenStack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, or their derivatives, and to share knowledge with other OpenStack users on these same platforms. is the best place to interact with other OpenStack users using Red Hat operating systems, and get access to the best information, answers, and community support focused on getting RDO running in your environment.

Short-term issues with forum

Hi all,

We’re having one or two issues with the forum related to an upgrade of Vanilla, which will be sorted out shortly.

Apologies for any inconvenience!


Using Heat to deploy OpenStack

At the recent OpenStack Summit in Portland, Oregon there were a number of excellent presentations on technologies we ship in RDO.

One of the more exciting ones was this presentation on using Heat to automate application deployment of OpenStack on OpenStack (the TripleO project), by Clint Byrnum from HP.

From the talk description:

How different are servers from VMs? Do we need special tools to manage servers, or can we adapt a more cloud-like pattern in managing them at scale? Heat has been designed to deploy cloud applications on top of OpenStack. But with Nova Baremetal, the line blurs between cloud and real server. As part of the OpenStack - on OpenStack, or “TripleO”” project, we’re excited to use Heat to manage a complete deployment of OpenStack. We’ll be sharing the various techniques we make use of in Heat to leverage its orchestration capabilities in fully automating the deployment and management of OpenStack.

RDO in the news

Since launching on April 15th, RDO has garnered a lot of attention - both in press and in blogs and podcasts. Here’s a review of what’s been happening in the RDO world.

Podcast: RDO at the OpenStack Summit

In Portland during the OpenStack Summit Dave Neary sat down with Richard Morrell of Red hat to record a podcast, covering questions like “what is RDO?”, “who is it for?” “why are Red Hat releasing a community distribution of OpenStack?”

Hear the answers to these questions and more at the Cloud Evangelist website

OpenStack Summit review

Jason Brooks from the RDO team wrote up his experiences from the OpenStack Summit and the RDO launch.

What impressed me more than the growth of the project, however, was the way that OpenStack embodies one of things I love most about open source, namely, its knack for helping people to peel back or eliminate barriers to innovation. The more freedom we afford ourselves to experiment with and improve the systems we care about, the more amazing results we can achieve.

Read more over at the Red Hat community blog.

We got a lot of attention during the launch. Here is a selection of some of the things which were written about us.

[PackStack] is interesting. OpenStack is a complex suite of tools, and the installation process is non-trivial. Any work to streamline that will reduce at least one barrier to success.

It’s happening again. Red Hat, which for years has dominated both the development and monetization of Linux, has turned its code contributing hand to OpenStack, the popular open-source cloud computing project. While Red Hat initially fought OpenStack, today it has become OpenStack’s biggest contributor.

News from around the world

OpenStack has a worldwide community, and the RDO release got worldwide attention. Here are some articles in various languages from around the world.

Let us know in the comments if you spot other articles about RDO!